A commissioned military officer in the US Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general. 陆军中将,海军陆战队中将美国陆海空三军陆战队中军衔高于陆军中尉低于准将的委任军官。
A commissioned military officer in the US Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain. [美]陆军[空军,海军陆战队]中尉美国陆海空三军中的一个委任的军官;军衔低于中校高于上尉。
It was the first defection in 10 years of a commissioned North Korean military officer, according to Yonhap, an official South Korean news agency. 据韩联社,韩国新闻机构报道说,这是10年来首位叛逃的朝鲜军官。